“Tata” For Now by Lauren Farwell

“Tata” in Bengali means goodbye, and the time to say tata snuck up on us faster than we could’ve imagined. 7 weeks flew by, and they were full of relationship-building, cultural discovery, personal growth, challenge, seeing social impact firsthand, and engaging in a dynamic workplace.

We feel beyond blessed for these 7 saturated weeks. And we owe it all to the following people (and this list only scratches the surface of the beautiful people along the way):

Radha, Dipak, Sam, Hallie, Susie, Abhijit, Joy, Anindiyah, Romy, Ankur, Manish, Swaban, Avishek, Tanmay, Tania, Priyanka, Santanu, Raju, Atanu, Prakash, Subhro, Rumia, Mona Lisa, Dipyendu, Tanima, Suchetan, Arnab, Mehuli, Sarala, Noorjahan, Wajda, Arfana, Shagufta, Nahid, all Anudip and iMerit employees and trainers, Swayam, Youth Global, Bola, and all of the young women and administration at the Metiabruz center.

The hospitality with which we were welcomed and the constant support and care we received from so many made for such a beautiful experience. We could say thank you a million times, and that would not suffice.

So, for the help when we first arrived,

thank you.

For showing us the route to commute to the office,

thank you.

For cups of chai brought to our desks,

thank you.

For check-in texts and calls,

thank you.

For meetings to touch base and give guidance,

thank you.

For weekend travel advice and trip tips,

thank you.

For helping us with our rent and finances,

thank you.

For each ride back and forth between the headquarters offices,

thank you.

For friendship building and chats inside and outside the office,

thank you.

For setting up and accompanying us on our rural center visits,

thank you.

For making the most uncomfortable long local train rides some of my favorite memories of bonding,

thank you.

For being accessible and always making time for us,

thank you.

For making room for us and giving us precious desk space,

thank you.

For inviting us into your Metiabruz homes and into the lives of your families,

thank you.

For each and every interview and insight,

thank you.

For every single smile and conversation,

thank you.

For running an inspiring and impactful social enterprise,

Thank you.

ধন্যবাদ  &  धन्यवाद

Already awaiting the day I can return to this beautiful country and our dear friends.

Tata, until the next time!

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